Thursday, August 22, 2019

Why digitalization of public transport is important

Why public transport digitalization is important

Image result for odd-even rule
One day breath in Delhi is equivalent to smoking 50 cigarettes. Air pollution is in its peak at most cities due to huge vehicle population. Traffic congestion, accidents, huge fossil fuel consumption etc are further horrors.

Why should promote public transport and eliminate cars and bikes from the roads?

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A bus can replace a minimum of 30 cars from the road.

The Odd-Even rule in Delhi - An initiative to promote public transport
Image result for odd-even rule
Odd-even rule like government rules to promote public transportation was but largely unsuccessful. Such rules are difficult to implement, impossible to enforce people and counter productive to economic growth.

Why people chooses bikes and cars ?
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Buses are the most common modes of public transport, but with zero passenger information infrastructure even in this digital era in most cities. Causes lot of people to choose cars and bikes to travel.

Why digitalization of public transport is important?

ICT Passenger Information Infrastructure development can promote and attract more people to the public transport and indirectly eliminates lot of bike and car trips. This will help in reducing city traffic, pollution, fossil fuel consumption, and accidents.

Image result for a developed country is not a place where the poor have cars
A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It's where the rich use public transportation” – Gustavo Petro, Mayor of Bogotá

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